SwampButt Underwear comes in two different shades of green, regular and lime green.
Purchase a pair of each for one price, much lower than if you bought them separately.
The New Green Deal is perfect for golfers, gardeners, environmentalists, currency collectors, St. Patrick’s Day celebrants, margarita enthusiasts, people whose favorite color is green or greener, those who went to Baylor, Tulane, Michigan State, or some other school whose colors include green.
The wrong underwear will ruin your round. Who wants to drag around sweat soaked pants that add a couple of pounds and make you feel like you have a diaper on? No normal person, that’s who. No one will ride in the cart with you if your backside looks like you sat in a puddle. A wetter than wet butt is the ultimate self-inflicted wound, at least on the golf course. Worse than leaving your putter on the practice green or hitting into the foursome in front of you because your butt does not have to be like this. You need the New Green Deal.
Yes, this is an awful feeling. But besides being icky swamp butt can lead to other problems. For example, if sweat occurs in your butt-crack and you sit in that sweat for too long, bacteria and germs will accumulate.That can lead to maceration—a breakdown of the skin that can lead to chronic itching and secondary infection, according to a leading scientician who refused to leave his name. But there is more, chafing south of the border.
Swamp Chafe & New Green Deal
Makers of SwampButt Underwear named this ‘swamp-chafe’ because of the place on an individual’s body it occurs (the human butt) and the hot weather that is part of the summer golfing equation. Wet, heavy fabric bunches up down below and rubs sensitive skin raw or just off. “It ‘taint funny,” said SwampButt Underwear corporate spokesman and resident
‘shankapotomus,’ Nick Heraldson. “It is painful and a difficult spot on which to apply medication.” As far as getting any help with the application of topical pain relievers and/or germ killers to these parts of the anatomy Heraldson described that as “a really hard ask.”
About SwampButt Underwear
SwampButt Underwear is perfect for the guy who sweats a lot south of the belt line, or who wants to be comfortable, or both. Made with polyester and spandex, this high-performance underwear draws sweat away from the skin for fast evaporation. It is not a cure, but it will go a long way toward alleviating some of the worst cases.
To see everything SwampButt Underwear offers, please visit the SwampButt virtual store.Â
Learn more about stroke saving and Swampbutt from American Golfer.Â