SwampButt Underwear Royal Offer On KRLD-AM Monday April 30 2018. Response from social media and regular media regarding the generous offer to supply recently named Prince Louis with a lifetime supply of SwampButt Underwear is very positive. So much so that a company spokesperson will be on the air with KRLD’s Mike Rogers Monday April 30, 2018 at around 8:00 a.m central time. KRLD-AM is a CBS owned radio station, 1080 on the AM dial.
SwampButt Underwear Royal Offer On KRLD-AM Monday April 30 2018. Underwear is pleased to offer Prince Louis a lifetime supply of SwampButt Underwear.
This interview will join others that the company has done with personalities including Mancow Muller and Michael Berry. The company is very fond of radio and enjoys doing radio interviews. “We can do these over the phone, so we never have to go anywhere,” said frequent radio listener and corporate spokesperson Nick Heraldson. “Not traveling is something we always try to not do because it takes us away from our customers and other responsibilities. And air travel, don’t get me started.”
The company is making the generous offer in the hope of making up for the thoughtless companies in the U.K. (known there as ‘wankers’) who seem to have ignored the arrival of Prince Louis. The company also hopes to ride the wave of free publicity that Prince Louis gains here in the U.S. While no one at SwampButt Underwear could figure why Americans were so interested in the birth of Prince Louis they were more than willing to glom onto a cheap opportunity for free promotion. Plus, the whole generous gift thing, that too.