Swampy Conditions Abound Thanksgiving Weekend. Is it warm enough for swamp butt where you live? Probably. Southern states from Georgia to Florida have pleasant Thanksgiving weather in store, with no precipitation in the forecast and temperatures expected to reach 70 degrees in Atlanta and 80 degrees in Miami. It currently depends, however, on how quickly a storm in the midwest is able to travel east, though the precipitation is currently expected to travel through the southern states on Wednesday, leaving clear Thursday skies. Swampy Conditions Abound Thanksgiving Weekend
It’s going to be a sunny Thanksgiving for Americans in the Southwest. Though rain is in the forecast for parts of southern Texas on Wednesday, Thursday should have sunny skies across the Southwest, with temperatures expected to be primarily in the 60s and low 70s. Much of the western U.S. will have clear skies on Thanksgiving, and warm.
According to NOAA, temperatures will be warm where they usually are and not warm in places where they typically are not. Here are the details: http://graphical.weather.gov/sectors/uppermissvly.php.
Swampy Conditions Abound Thanksgiving Weekend